Common Bingo Game Terms
If you want to play the game of bingo then you must know the rules and regulations of the game. You can get the rules and regulations from different online blogs, forums, and other information websites. If you want to get familiar with the different game terms used in bingo then read on. Here we are going to discuss the general game terms and its importance.
Playing cards: Bingo playing cards are the exclusive number printed cards distributed among the bingo players to play the game of. They are 5X5 matrix cards, containing space for 25 printed numbers on it. Some of the manufacturers print exclusive series of 6,000 cards. You can also get the series of 9,000 cards in the market. Generally hard cards have a series number printed on them. For example, card number 1200 will all the time have the same numbers at the same spaces.
Bingo Marker: A crayon which is used to cover the numbers printed on the game card.
Blackout: Blackout is one of the final desirable patterns of the bingo games. If the bingo is played for the blackout means you have to cover all the numbers in your bingo playing card to win the game. In general 50 to 60 bingo numbers have to be called, out of the 75 numbers to get the blackout.
Caller: The individual who calls out the bingo ball numbers as they are drawn.
Cash-In-Prize: As the name it self indicates the form of bingo where winner will receive the prize as cash amount. The prize amount will be finalized on the basis of total money paid in.
Chat Room: Chat room is a place where players can read the views of the other player and exchange their options on any particular topic. It is the place to discuss and increase the knowledge about the game.
Coverall: Coverall is that type of bingo game where one has to mark or cover all the numbers printed on the bingo card based on the bingo called numbers to win the game.
Dauber: Bingo dauber is a market used to mark the called bingo numbers on the bingo playing cards. It is an ink-filled bottle/pen with a foam tip on it. It works very easily; when you touch the bingo playing card with the foam tip of bingo dauber it marks the square.
Early Bird Game: The early bird game is that bingo game which starts earlier than another regularly scheduled game. At times the Early Bird game is simply the first bingo game of the session. The first game of a session is also known as a Warm Up bingo game.
Face: Face is generally known as that format of the bingo playing card where it contains 24 numbers and one free space at the middle of the card.
Four Corners: A desired bingo result pattern where one has to cover all the four corner numbers of the playing cards to win the game.
Playing cards: Bingo playing cards are the exclusive number printed cards distributed among the bingo players to play the game of. They are 5X5 matrix cards, containing space for 25 printed numbers on it. Some of the manufacturers print exclusive series of 6,000 cards. You can also get the series of 9,000 cards in the market. Generally hard cards have a series number printed on them. For example, card number 1200 will all the time have the same numbers at the same spaces.
Bingo Marker: A crayon which is used to cover the numbers printed on the game card.
Blackout: Blackout is one of the final desirable patterns of the bingo games. If the bingo is played for the blackout means you have to cover all the numbers in your bingo playing card to win the game. In general 50 to 60 bingo numbers have to be called, out of the 75 numbers to get the blackout.
Caller: The individual who calls out the bingo ball numbers as they are drawn.
Cash-In-Prize: As the name it self indicates the form of bingo where winner will receive the prize as cash amount. The prize amount will be finalized on the basis of total money paid in.
Chat Room: Chat room is a place where players can read the views of the other player and exchange their options on any particular topic. It is the place to discuss and increase the knowledge about the game.
Coverall: Coverall is that type of bingo game where one has to mark or cover all the numbers printed on the bingo card based on the bingo called numbers to win the game.
Dauber: Bingo dauber is a market used to mark the called bingo numbers on the bingo playing cards. It is an ink-filled bottle/pen with a foam tip on it. It works very easily; when you touch the bingo playing card with the foam tip of bingo dauber it marks the square.
Early Bird Game: The early bird game is that bingo game which starts earlier than another regularly scheduled game. At times the Early Bird game is simply the first bingo game of the session. The first game of a session is also known as a Warm Up bingo game.
Face: Face is generally known as that format of the bingo playing card where it contains 24 numbers and one free space at the middle of the card.
Four Corners: A desired bingo result pattern where one has to cover all the four corner numbers of the playing cards to win the game.
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